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Forum on China - Africa Cooperation Workshop

Maanzoni, Machakos County

We participated in a 2-day meeting from the 7th to the 8th on the FOCAC (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) in Maanzoni, Machakos County. FOCAC was adopted at the 2000 Ministerial Conference of FOCAC, China, and Africa. In July 2001, a FOCAC ministerial consultation meeting was held in Lusaka, during which the Procedures for Follow-up Mechanisms of FOCAC were deliberated and adopted. The follow-up mechanisms officially took effect in April 2002. The FOCAC follow-up mechanisms are built at three levels: The Ministerial Conference is held every three years; the Senior Officials Follow-up Meeting and the Senior Officials Preparatory Meeting for the Ministerial Conference are held respectively in the year and a few days before the Ministerial Conference; and the consultations between the African Diplomatic Corps in China and the Secretariat of the Chinese Follow-up Committee are held at least twice a year. The Ministerial Conference and the Senior Officials Meeting are held alternately in China and an African country, with China and the African host co-chairing and presiding over the meetings, taking the lead in implementing the outcomes. The Ministerial Conference is attended by foreign ministers and ministers in charge of international economic cooperation, and the Senior Officials Meeting by director-general level officials of the competent departments of China and African countries. The objective of the meeting was to learn more about FOCAC and provide key recommendations that will be used to engage the respective governments during the upcoming FOCAC meeting in September this year.  The meeting came up with a set of key recommendations related to blue economy, energy, forestry and wildlife, water, sustainable financing and infrastructure.

This workshop was convened by WWF Kenya.

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Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group(KOGWG) and Save Lamu co-hosted the 2nd edition of the LAPPSET Community Forum in Lokichar, Turkana County. The event, brought together CSO actors led by the Turkana Extractives Consortium and Community Land Management Committees (CLMCs) from Lokichar, Kapese, and Nakukulas village units. This forum built on the previous forums held in Lamu, Isiolo, and Lodwar, aiming to provide a platform for discussion of key thematic areas including land, environmental, and social factors impacting communities living along the LAPSSET corridor. The forum also addressed emerging issues of transparency and accountability in land lease revenues paid by Tullow Oil in June, emphasizing the importance of recognising communities that have completed the land registration process as rightful beneficiaries. Additionally, discussions centred on governance frameworks around transparency and civic participation in holding duty-bearers accountable

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CANCO represented by Dr.Mwangi participated in a panelist discussion on highlighting key achievements of Kenya Vision 2030 and CANCO plans for National wetland day 2024. For more information watch the show here https://youtube.com/live/fPwAU2k7L5o?si=0xWZUO-RtSOMew1y.

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CANCO team took part in a three-day induction workshop for the UNDP-SGP strategic partners. The workshop focused on discussing the implementation of projects under the 7th Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme, which is implemented by the UNDP. The participants included representatives from the four strategic partners responsible for guiding and monitoring project implementation in the Baringo, Samburu-Isiolo Conservation area, and Shimoni-Vanga Seascape. Additionally, representatives from the County governments of Samburu, Isiolo, Kwale, and Baringo, as well as participants from the UNDP country office in Kenya, SGP staff, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, and former members of the National Steering Committee were also in attendance. During the meeting, the strategic partners were introduced to the UNDP/SGP operational framework and learned about the roles of County Governments and strategic partners in the programme.

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CANCO/KOGWG organized a three-day workshop that brought together various stakeholders, including industry experts, CSOs, and community members from Kilifi County. The purpose of the workshop was to assess the proposed nuclear energy program in Kenya within the framework of achieving a fair energy transition. The discussions focused on key themes such as community involvement, the role of nuclear energy in the transition, and the importance of conducting a comprehensive SESA report. Additionally, alternative energy technologies such as Solvatten Solar Safe Water technology were also discussed. This technology shows potential in providing safe water access while reducing reliance on traditional energy sources, aligning with the principles of a just energy transition and promoting sustainability. This workshop marked the initial steps of the new Just Energy Transition project, currently supported by Oxfam.

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Land rights advocacy

South Lokichar Basin

Special appreciation to @~John from Natural Justice who has contributed immensely in supporting our land rights advocacy work in the South Lokichar Oil basin by consistently building capacity of grassroots communities understanding on the Community Land Act 2016 as well as the community land registration process.

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Over the past year, KOGWG, with support from Oxfam, has been working with communities in Turkana South and Turkana East to start the Community Land Registration process. Our collective efforts have led to the beginning of the first-ever survey for Kapese village unit under the Land Adjudication program. This groundbreaking initiative will extend to an additional 15 villages in the initial phase, paving the way for comprehensive surveying and demarcation by the Ministry of Lands. Through this initiative, indigenous communities will finally be granted title deeds to their community land, empowering them with newfound control and decision-making authority over present and future investments. KOGWG is grateful for the support from the Turkana Extractives Consortium, ATUDIS, and Natural Justice in making this exercise a reality.

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Engagement with the Turkana County Government on the Draft Turkana Extractives Policy that was developed by experts from KOGWG last month prior to its onward submission for approval by Cabinet

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CANCO/KOGWG engaged in discussions to enhance the understanding of Just Energy Transition methods in Lokichar, Turkana County. Our objective is to ensure that the most affected communities understand the importance of transitioning to renewable energy while upstream petroleum development occurs. We introduced the Turkana Extractives Consortium to Solvatten's solar-safe water technology to make these discussions practical and impactful. This innovative solution provides access to safe and hot water using solar energy, to improve families' health and economic conditions while reducing dependence on firewood. Solvatten's technology directly contributes to SDGs 3, 6, 7, 9, and 13. CANCO's partnership with Solvatten AB began in 2022 and has already distributed 1,594 units to communities in Kwale and Taita Taveta counties. We are excited to scale out this distribution to Turkana County, furthering our mission of promoting sustainable and healthy living conditions.

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Engaging with the community at Mkwajuni and Kachero BMU villages , Lake Jipe, Mata sub-location in Taita-Taveta County on community development and sustainable fisheries

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Community engagement in Kirepwe Islet

Kirepwe islet in Kilifi County

Waka Waka, Kirepwe islet in Kilifi County meeting the resident Waata indigenous community on matters of environment and sustainable local livelihoods

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Engaging the community in Nandi County on the conservation of the Grey Crowned Crane and wetlands. This is  a meaningful initiative with significant ecological, social, and economic benefits.

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Project Staff Training on Community Engagement approaches, processes and tools for effective and impactful conservation outcomes

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Partners Meeting on Research and Conservation of the Grey Crowned Crane in Kenya. Supported by ICF/EWT-CANCO Kenya Crane and Wetland Conservation Project.

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@ Kachero and Mkwajuni BMU's/fish landing sites
We had a successful engagement session with the small scale fisher community and women in fisheries value chain, highlighting the key fisheries, environmental and socio-eonomic challenges faced and emerging opportunities.
Our appreciation to the BMUs members and their leaders,Women in fisheries, County Director fisheries
Fisheries officer - Taveta, Ward Administrator and the Assistant Chief

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CANCO Executive Director with Board Members of the Kipsaina Crane and Wetlands Conservation Group Training on Governance, Board Management Financial Management Oversight and Accountability

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The Executive Committee of the National Environment Civil Society Alliance of Kenya NECSA-Kenya having a conversation around the theme "Africa Sustainable Investments and Infrastructure and Executive Committee network reflection meeting

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Sustainable Energy Access Forum Kenya SEAF-K

Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Nairobi.

Energy Stakeholders Training on Advocacy and Result-based Monitoring to Influence Fossil Fuel Divestment and Scaling up investment on Renewable Energy in Kenya

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Commemorating the ICF-EWT partnership

Boma Hotel, Eldoret

Workshop on African Crane Conservation Program
Commemorating the ICF-EWT partnership..
50 years of conservation...
30 years of collaborative African conservation...
Community Action for Nature Conservation (CANCO) is honored to collaborate in this significant partnership, overseeing the Kenyan segment of the crane and wetland conservation program.

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Field visit @Kipsaina wetlands, Kitale in Trans Nzoia County

Kipsaina wetlands, Kitale in Trans Nzoia County

Field visit to the wetlands in Kitale, Trans Nzoia County, with @Kipsaina courtesy of Kipsaina Cranes and Wetlands Community Conservation Group and Bondeni Women Group. Excellent conservation initiatives are taking place here! Special thanks to Maurice Wanjala and the program team ICF/EWT-CANCO.

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CANCO had a discussion with some officials of the BMU on the emerging environmental and social concerns related to the proposal to site a nuclear power plant in the neighbourhood.
Amplifying the voice (s) of the small scale fisher and coastal communities and strengthening their capacity to advocate for their environmental, socio- economic and other human rights including that of healthy oceans for healthy marine ecosystems, sustainable fisheries/fishing, sustainable livelihoods and for improved wellbeing.

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Building a social movement on nuclear energy in Kenya

Wesa, Roka, Uyombo, Dabaso

Interacting informally with communities and other stakeholders at Wesa, Roka Uyombo and Dabaso/Watamu in Kilifi County and having a conversation on the issue of the proposed nuclear power plant.

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Advocacy on nuclear energy

Reef Hotel Mombasa

Nuclear Energy Advocacy: The proposed Nuclear Power Plant at Uyombo, Mida Creek in Kilifi County involves Stakeholder Engagement. Some questions that we have as an organization relates to;

1. What is the justification for nuclear energy within the current and future energy mix in Kenya?

2. Why choose Uyombo as the location?

3. What are the environmental and social risks and impacts associated with the nuclear power plant?

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We are sincerely grateful for the r visit from the senior management and governance officials of the Coast Development Authority.

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The Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reached a significant agreement in December 2022 by endorsing the Post-2020 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). This framework is designed to halt the decline of biological diversity by 2030 and pursue a vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. The Government of Kenya (GoK) has pledged its support for this goal and is working on strategies to achieve it. This includes aligning the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) with the KMGBF and establishing national targets to effectively implement the framework.

The NBSAP is a comprehensive strategic document that outlines Kenya’s approach to biodiversity conservation, setting targets and priority actions for biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, and benefit-sharing. It integrates the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and provides a roadmap for biodiversity conservation efforts at the national level. In this context, Kenya recognizes the importance of periodically assessing the baseline to measure the effectiveness of implemented strategies and identifying areas for improvement. A technical team, organized into three thematic working groups and further subgroups, has begun the process of developing national targets aligned with the 23 global targets, taking into account national circumstances and capabilities. During this process, CANCO participated in the workshop to finalize the drafting of the national targets. The workshop was held on the 22nd -26th January 2024 in Naivasha

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UNEP Headquarters Nairobi

The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) was convened from the February 26th to March 1st, 2024, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. The overarching theme of the meeting was "Effective, inclusive, and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution,".


The primary goal of UNEA-6 was to focus on how multilateralism can help the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. These challenges surpass borders and require coordinated efforts from governments, civil societies, scientific communities, and the private sector. The assembly served as an ideal platform to rally stakeholders worldwide to commit to decisive action and transformative change.


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The SWIOFC and the Nairobi Convention partnered to enhance collaboration in supporting member countries in managing their coastal and marine environment and fishery resources. With funding from Sweden, they are implementing a project in Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania to promote regional capacity development and sustainable governance. Recently, a scoping mission and baseline assessment were conducted in Kenya. To improve coordination, a workshop was organized to engage stakeholders and map relevant projects for better collaboration during implementation.

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In Kenya, the national celebration for World Oceans Day 2024 was held at Mwandamu BMU in Msambweni in Kwale County. This year’s theme was dubbed “Waves of Change: Collective Actions for the Oceans’’. The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Hon. Salim Mvurya graced the event. He reiterated that the government was fully committed to improving the living standards of the small scale fishing communities and has major investment plans on the blue economy sector. The Cabinet Secretary stated that the government has set aside over one billion shillings for the development of landing sites along the coast including that of Mwaepe fish landing site in Kwale County at a cost of 1.5million shillings to strengthen fishing activities for the fisher communities.

CANCO as the strategic partner for GEF-SGP Shimoni-Vanga and Bodo-Mwandamu seascape participated in this year’s celebration.  Towards the end of the celebrations, CANCO made an announcement requesting the seascape BMUs fisher folks, CBOs, Women Self Help Groups, Community Forest Associations, , Locally Managed Marine Areas representatives present to remain behind after the closure of the event.  Richard Bemaronda, CANCO program manager briefed the gathering about GEF 7 initiative to be implemented at the seascape and driven by the communities.

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CANCO held a workshop for updating the Shimoni – Vanga -Bodo- Mwandamu and developing a site strategy for the seascape.  The meeting was attended by 46 representatives from government institutions, NGOs and the community

The main aim of the workshop was to:

·       Create a better understanding of our Seascape using Resilience of Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Indicators;

·       Identify challenges we are currently facing affecting the seascape and community resilience;

·       Identify solutions to improve resilience of seascape and communities’ well-being;

·       Map where we are (status) today as a seascape and a people; and

·       Generate information for informing SEPLS Strategy.

The above information was used to update the seascape baseline and to develop the seascape strategy that will guide in the adaptive programming and implementation of GEF 7 in the seascape.

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We participated in a workshop convened by Wildlife Conservation Society in collaboration with the Macquarie university, Sydney Australia  to discuss and evaluate  a project on optional locations for ecologically and socially for future small-scale fisheries (SSF) closures in Kenya.

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We participated in a workshop convened by Wildlife Conservation Society in collaboration with the Macquarie university, Sydney Australia  to discuss and evaluate  a project on optional locations for ecologically and socially for future small-scale fisheries (SSF) closures in Kenya.

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Call for funds UNDP SGP GEF 7

Shimoni Vanga Bodo Mwandamu Seascape

CANCO as the Strategic Partner for the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme - Shimoni -Vanga -Bodo-Mwandamu Seascape, Kwale County conducted a community sensitisation meeting on GEF SGP 7 call for proposals. The meeting brought community groups from Majoreni, Kiwegu, Bodo, Shimoni, Mwandamu, Vanga and Jimbo.
The proposal aims to empower communities and organisations to take collective action through a participatory landscape planning and management approach aimed at enhancing socio-ecological resilience by producing global environmental and local sustainable development benefits.
The deadline for submitting the proposal is 25th July 2024.
For more information about the call and how to apply, please visit https://www.undp.org/.../call-proposals-gef-small-grants....
In case you need more clarification please write to us at info@cancokenya.net

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CANCO through the small scale fisheries project held an engagement meeting with women in small scale fisheries in Lake Chala and Jipe, Taita Taveta County.

We discussed their fisheries value chain and discussed strategies of how to improve the same. We used this information to develop their fisheries value chain upgrading plan. We will work with other partners to enhance the fisheries value chain for the women. This is a step towards improving the livelihoods and well-being of the women in the small-scale fisheries sector

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Small scale fisheries summit

Rome Italy

CANCO represented at the small-scale fisheries summit by our very own Bhoke Werema

The event took place on the 5th -7th July at FAO headquarters, Rome Italy.

The event offered a platform to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) to advance priority actions for sustainable small-scale fisheries and to assess the current status of the SSF Guidelines implementation at the national, regional and global level to inform future actions.

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CANCO took part in a webinar in preparation to the World Wetlands Day. The theme of the webinar is on conserving Wetlands for Nature, People and Climate Co benefits.

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Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group(KOGWG) held an engagement meeting with grassroot communities in Loperot on Community Land Management Committee Elections. The elections were successfully done and was overseen by representatives from National Land Commission, Turkana County Government, Sub- County Administration and Civil Society Organizations namely ATUDIS and Turkana Extractives Consortium. KOGWG further had discussions on consensus building among the Community Land Management Committee (CLMC) representatives from Nakukulas, Kapese, Loperot and Lokichar village units. The aim of the discussion was to enable them to delineate village unit boundaries ahead of the adjudication programme scheduled for March this year. The group was further equipped with negotiation skills that will enable them to engage with the investors for the various development programmes

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Staff training on mental health and wellbeing. Let's open up and discuss our mental healthcare free of stigma and discrimination

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We are excited to be part of the 2nd cohort of the African Marine conservation leadership Programme led by Blue Ventures and Maliasili. The overall goal of the programme is to equip conservation leaders with the skills, knowledge and self-awareness to develop own leadership potential, for their organizations and those in their networks to achieve even more!!

The programme will run for 12 months, August 2023 to June 2024. The programme will be delivered through a blend of virtual and self-paced learning as well as tailored one on one coaching sessions.

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Kenya Mining week 2023

Radisson Blue, Nairobi

CANCO represented during the 2023 Kenya Mining week. This year theme is on promoting an inclusive aproach in Kenyas mining sector to drive economic growth

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CANCO has completed the distribution of our first consignment of Solvatten units. We received a total of 802 units from Solvatten AB, which we distributed in two phases. During Phase 1, we managed to distribute 184 units in Jimbo (Lungalunga Sub County), Kibandaongo (Kinango Sub County) and Lake Jipe (Taita-Taveta County). During Phase 2, we distributed 618 Solvatten units in 11 villages, all in Kinango, Kwale County namely: Gebe, Chizini, Gandini, Kidogoeni, Yapha, Bofu, Katundani, Miguneni, Nzovuni, Mbuguni and Tsunza. 

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Natural Resources Sharing Bill 2022


Join our very Own, Muturi wa Kamau, The coordinator for Kenya Oil and Gas working Group on KBC News check, tomorrow 13th June, from 11.00am -12.00pm as he shares insights on the Natural Resources Sharing Bill, 2022. Please tune in.

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Jimbo village Vanga location Kwale county

CANCO distributed a total of 36 solvatten units to 36 households in Jimbo village. The process involved a brief demonstration of how the technology works and how to use it. Our main goal is to ensure that each household in Jimbo village has a solvatten unit that will help improve access to clean and safe water and reduces the cases of waterborne related diseases while mitigating climate change simultaneously.

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CANCO - Solvatten Initiative distributed 42 units of Solvatten Solar Safe Water Treatment Technology to Kibandaongo Village of Kwale County. This arid area has frequent cases of water borne diseases and the introduction of Solvatten technology will improve the quality of water for the community.

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Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group together with NECSA -K meeting with Senate Departmental Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill 2020 and how CSOs can be engaged in the process. We presented a joint memo for the bill to the committee Chair. It was also agreed that the same will be presented during the public participation process to be held in the course of the year as well as during the committees retreat scheduled for Early February 2023

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World Wetlands Day 2023

Tudor/Shimanzi(Bandarini) Beach Management Unit Landing Site

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CANCO in partnership with Solvatten AB visited Taita Taveta County at Lake Jipe, Mukwajuni and Kachero village to introduce, create awareness about solvatten technology and distribute some to the community. Solvatten is safe water technology that uses solar energy to make contaminated water safe for consumption and other domestic uses.

The community around Lake Jipe uses the water directly from the lake for all their domestics’ uses such as drinking, cooking, washing and also cleaning the fish. Some do treat the water by boiling using firewood.

Introducing solvatten aims to help reduce water borne related diseases such as cholera and typhoid, also tackle climate change through reducing use of firewood for fuel and improve the quality fish across the value chain.

After introductions and awareness we successfully distributed 30 solvatten units to the selected beneficiaries.

The community was very grateful saying the technology will help in reducing cases of typhoid in their village, help reduce the amount of fuel they use to boil the water and also time used.

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CANCO and Solvatten AB team visited Jimbo Village, Kwale County for follow up and monitoring of the introduction and distribution activity that took place in October 2022. The community members have embraced the technology and were very excited to meet the inventor of the Solvatten herself, Petra Wadstrom along with her colleague Erika Eckesgog.

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Celebration of World Fisheries Day 2022

Shimoni Port Kwale County

CANCO together with her partners- Swedish Society for Nature Conservation(SSNC), Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangement(CFFA), Bread for the World and Confederation Africaine des Organizations de Peche(CAOPA)  joined the government to Celebrate the World Fisheries Day in Shimoni Port, Kwale County. The theme for the event is  Investing in social protection to secure equitable blue transformation in the fisheries sector. The event was used to create awareness on the call to action from the small scale fisheries. Read more about the call here...https://www.cffacape.org/ssf-call-to-action.

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09:00 - 17:00
Kwale County, Vanga location , Jimbo village

CANCO in partnership with Solvatten AB distributed 34 solvatten units in Jimbo village, Vanga location, Kwale County to a group of women from Jimbo Environmental group (JEG). The women were selected as beneficiaries because they fit the target group of women with children between ages 0-5.

The activity involved creating an awareness on public health (water, health and sanitation), various interventions of climate change and Value addition in fisheries business. Then introduction of Solvatten in terms of its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats and a demonstration of how it works and how to use it.

Technology was gladly accepted by the community.

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CANCO receives 792 units of Solvatten Technology

CANCO Headquarters, Nairobi

CANCO has partnered with Solvatten AB from Sweden, to embark on a new project for the distribution of Solvatten units to selected villages in Taita Taveta and Kwale counties of Coastal Kenya, where access to clean and safe water is a challenge.

The target group of the project include:

1.    Households with children of 5years and below; the most vulnerable group to water borne diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, etc.

2.    Women in fisheries; to aid in preparation of fish catch for sale (removal of scales, gutting and cleaning). This will improve the safety and handling measures which will in turn make the fish safer for consumption.

Benefits of using Solvatten:

·         -Uses solar power, therefore is a clean form of energy

·         -Safe and hot water in 2-6 hours.

·        - Treats approximately 6,000 litres per year.

·        - An indicator shows when the water is safe.

·         -Can be used several times a day.

·         -Easy to use and to carry.

·         -No need for batteries, spare parts or chemicals.

Solvatten has a lifespan of 7years during which one unit is able to reduce up to 7 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, the equivalent of about 50 middle sized trees.

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The Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group and CANCO were effectively represented in the symposium.
Discussion touched on how to integrate climate action in impact and life assessment of a wide array of projects as well as how the efforts from environmental impact assessment practitioners can contribute towards achieving Celcius 1.5.

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We are in Rwanda participating in the Africa Protected Area Congress.

We will also host a side event at the EAC Pavilion for our side event on ‘enhancing inclusive protected area governance in Africa: Community Marine Conservation Areas and Sacred Coastal Forests.

Time: 10.30 -11.30 Rwanda Time -GMT +2 /11.30 -12.30 -Kenya Time – GMT +3

Date 22nd July 2022

For our online viewers please register using this zoom link for the side event;


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CANCO undertook a fieldwork activity in Kwale County from 27th June to 1st July, whose main purpose was to introduce Solvatten Safe Water Project. The selected sites were Gandini ward, Kasemeni ward, Jimbo village in Vanga and Mkwiro Village on Wasini Island. The purpose of this activity was:

·         To collect data on the sources of water the villagers relied on, purification methods they used to treat the water before use and the sources of fuel they used for domestic purposes, and how much it cost them.

·         To identify potential members of the community who fit the criteria for our selected target group which includes women with children of age 0-5 and women in fisheries.

·         To introduce solvatten to various stakeholders we would need to liaise with for the successful implementation of the project such as Ministry of health - Kwale, Kenya forest service - Kwale and Kwale Water and Sewerage Company.

During the fieldwork we managed to hold meetings with different representatives of the Gandini, Bofu, Jimbo and Mkwiro communities. We explained the benefits of using Solvatten, mainly being the purification of water from disease causing pathogens and how it saves on time and the cost incurred in purchasing of wood fuel. We also briefly demonstrated how the containers are used.

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CANCO together with her partners invites you to  to its event  dubbed -A call to action from the small scale fisheries’ during the UN Ocean conference which will take place on Tuesday 28 June 2022 from 8.30 to 9.30 am at the Tejo Restaurant (Oceanário de Lisboa, Esplanada D. Carlos I - 1900-005 Lisboa, Portugal).
Development Goal 14b calls on governments to ensure access to resources and markets for small-scale fisheries. Small-scale fisheries organizations around the world have come together to identify five main challenges. Urgent action is needed between now and 2030 in order to make SDG 14b a reality.

See more information on the attached flier


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SWIOTUNA organized a three day  workshop on Marine Spatial Planning. We began with a project inception meeting that included presentations from the following:

·         Mr. Robin from GIZ, who explored partnership opportunities between SWIOTUNA and Our Blue Future, whose main goals are to empower communities for sustainable blue economy (SBE), catalyze investment in SBE, as well as advocate for ocean governance that enables SBE.

·         Ms. Asthma from WWF, who discussed the project on unlocking a sustainable blue economy in the South West Indian Ocean, funded by WWF Madagascar.

·         Ms. Doreen Simiyu, who took us through the key interventions of the workshop as well as a detailed discussion of the five year project, which will be informed and guided by baseline studies done by WWF. Concerns from the members were also addressed.

·         Mr. John Kareko from Naturecom took us through the project implementation approach and strategy, recommendations and execution standards.


The training of trainers on Marine Spatial Planning soon followed. It was done by Mr. Zachary Maritim, who gave us a more in depth understanding of various steps involved in MSP, the challenges and opportunities, the governance involved, as well as the data and information sets needed and how stakeholders can input in the process. In attendance were CSO and national tuna fisheries forum representatives from countries of the SWIO region including: Kenya, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Tanzania/ Zanzibar and Madagascar.

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The Coordinator for Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group in Vancouver Canada attending the International Association for Impact Assessment 2022 conference (IAIA22). This was made possible through the support from Capacity Building Stipend by Norad through the Oil for Development and Energy Program. The conference theme is ‘Towards more sustainable oil and gas’. The conference is facilitated by Fernando Rodriguez by HSE International.

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The KOGWG secretariat accompanied by co-authors of the Foundation Stage Development Risk Assessment report published in 2020 are currently in Turkana for the week undertaking engagement forums with different stakeholders to gather data and information on changes to upstream development from Foundation Stage to Full Field Development.  The team will further undertake comparative analysis of upstream development scope and biodiversity using the GIS SIGHT tool by WWF and publish the report

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The big conversation: Kenya Oil Prospects


The Coordinator for Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group, discussion with KBC sharing his insights on Kenya oil prospects - https://www.kbc.co.ke/podcasts/muturi-kamau-kenya-has-an-oil-refinery-but-its-not-operational/

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Follow Up Activity of the Distributed Solvatten Units In Jimbo Village Kwale County

09:30 - 17:00
Kwale County, Vanga Location, Jimbo Village

CANCO and Solvatten AB team visited Jimbo Village, Kwale County for a follow up on the introduction and distribution activity that took place in October. The community members have fully embraced the technology and were very excited to meet the inventor of the technology herself, Petra Wadstrom.

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Engagement meeting International Aid Services (IAS) at their offices in Tharaka Nithi on the use of Solvatten technology to purify contaminated water.

Solvatten uses heat and UV radiation to treat water. It has fine mesh filters that reduces water turbidity and convention currents within the containers that makes the process more efficient. Each Solvatten unit consists of two hinged containers, each holding 5 litres of water. The containers have black rear surfaces and transparent upper surfaces. The black surfaces heat up and raise the temperature of the water, while the transparent surfaces allow almost unhindered penetration of UV rays into the containers. The built-in filters remove larger organisms and physical particles, reducing water turbidity (muddy or cloudy). The indicator signals the end of the purification process as the sad red face turns green and happy.

We look forward to partnering with Solvatten Sweden to roll out a programme on the use of the technology to address water and sanitation challenges in the country.

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CANCO with Community representatives from Beach Management Units from all the 5 coastal counties review of the marine fisheries regulations. The views, concerns and aspirations of the community were captured in a policy memo and submitted to the Ministry for consideration

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Cancos efforts in improving fisheries hygiene and safety for women is small scale fisheries as well as mitigating the impacts of climate change at Jimbo community through adoption of energy saving stoves

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Women in Fisheries: Dialogue and networking workshop

Mombasa Continental Hotel, Shanzu, Mombasa

CANCO held the workshop: Women in Fisheries: Dialogue and networking workshop that brought together 25 women from all the coastal counties. The workshop gave the women an opportunity to dialogue and network on maters fisheries governance, management, value chain and benefits enhancement.

The workshop was facilitated by representatives from WIOMSA, Jumuiya Ya Kaunti Za Pwani(JKP) Go blue secretariat, Department of fisheries County Government of Kilifi, State Department of Fisheries, aquaculture and Blue Economy and Afircan Women in Fish trade and Processing(AWFISHNET)

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Pursuant to the Gazette notice by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock , Fisheries and Cooperatives on the review and public comments for the draft Marine Fisheries (Access and Development) Regulations 2021, CANCO organized a virtual meeting  with community members from Beach Management Units from Mombasa, Kilifi, Lamu and Kwale counties on the 3rd February 2022 to review the regulations.  Thereafter, we developed a policy brief and submitted to the Ministry highlighting the key areas of weaknesses and recommendations on how to improve on the weaknesses.

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World Fisheries Day

Bofa Landing site Kilifi

Celebrating World Fisheries Day 2021 at Bofa public beach in Kilifi County. This year's theme is "STOP human rights violation at sea."


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World Fisheries Day Celebarations

Bofa Public Beach, Kilifi

Celebrating World Fisheries Day 2021 at Bofa public beach in Kilifi County. This year's theme is "STOP human rights violation at sea

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CANCO through Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group undertook a training for Kajiado County Assembly Water, Environment and Natural Resources Committee on policy and legislative framework for petroleum sector in Kenya. Special thank you to the Speaker, County Assembly Kajiado, members of the committee and the team from Johnson and Partners LLP for providing and sharing the legal perspectives in the sector.

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IUCN World Conservation Congress

Marseille, France

CANCO represented in the IUCN World Congress in Marseille, France from 3rd to 11th September 2021. The purpose for the event is to set priorities and drive conservation and sustainable development action. The event has three main components; The members assembly where IUCN members vote on priority actions, the Forum, a global marketplace on conservation science and innovation and the Exhibition where exhibitors showcase their work to the congress participants and the public

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CANCO held the above meeting on the 23rd and 24th June 2021 at Mombasa Intercontinental Hotel. The meeting brought together 20 women from the coastal fishing community from the Counties of Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi.  The key discussions were on the emerging trends and opportunities (policy and programs), and mechanisms for active and sustainable engagement in fisheries at various levels and scale and the space of women in fisheries in relation to sustainable fisheries, livelihood, health, technology, financing, business, trade and environmental conservation issues

This workshop was facilitated by representatives from Kenya Fisheries Service, Kenya Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Private Sector(African Women in Fish Trade and Processing (AWFISHNET), Chief Fisheries Officer – Kilifi County, State Department of Fisheries, aquaculture and Blue Economy and Jumuiya ya Kaunti Za Pwani

The event was covered and aired on KBC TV. See the link https://youtu.be/1BnuaCb_Iao

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Validation of Kingwal management plan

Lake Naivasha Country Club

The Kenya Cranes and Wetlands team held a 3-day workshop on validation of Kingwal management plan. The event was organized by FAO. 

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CANCO participating in this event organized by SIDA Partnership Forum in collaboration with UN Women, UNEP, the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa and Stockholm Environment Institute

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The Cranes and Wetlands Team commemorated the Wangari Maathai Day by planting trees with students from Kipkeibon Primary School in King'awal, Nandi County

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Talk on Climate-Smart Agriculture

Manor House Agricultural Centre, Kitale

The wetlands team led by the Kenya Country Director, Dr. Mwangi, is currently leading a team of experts in agricultural sector in discussions on Climate-Smart Agriculture in Manor House Agricultural Centre, Kitale to address the pressing environmental challenges on wetlands and Cranes

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World Wetlands Day


The Cranes and Wetland Team celebrating World Wetlands Day. The team is developing a documentary on Spring protection in line with 2021 theme ; 'Wetlands and Water'

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The  Cranes and Wetlands team held a multi-stakeholder community awareness in Kingwal involving the County Government of Nandi, KWS, FAO, Green Belt Movement and Local administration on importance of conservation of cranes, Wetlands and sitatunga. Ccommunity groups in upper Kingwal harvested 45 litres of honey from 5 out of 10 beehives given as part  of the conservation agreements. 12 litres were sold during the event.

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Grey crown crane Tagging in Western Kenya

Karara Dam, Kitale

15 juveniles tagged in Karara Dam Kitale as an effort towards Crane monitoring in Western Kenya.

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Kenya Coast Guard Service commemorated its 2nd anniversary by planting mangroves at Tsunza village. Tsunza is one of CANCO sites for its work on mangrove restoration and rehabilitation. Together we planted 1000 mangrove seedlings.

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CANCO represented during the National Stakeholders Workshop on validation of guidelines for fisheries Co-management areas at Pride Inn Flamingo, Shanzu.  The meeting is convened by WWF and Kenya Fisheries Service Coast Regional Office.

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Webinar on Small scale fisheries and COVID 19

14:00 - 15:30
Zoom Meeting


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Modern bee keeping and honey production

08:00 - 17:00
Upper King'wal

1st training session for upper King'wal community groups on modern bee keeping and honey production by African Beekeepers Limited experts. 14women and 18 men are in attendance.

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Engagement meeting with UNEP

08:00 - 17:00

CANCO team, SSNC and Ex- Stockholm University Student, Charles, engagement meeting with the Project Officer, Ecosystem Division, Gabriel Grimsditch, and his Assistant, Hussein at UN Officers. Charles shared the study he did in collaboration with CANCO and Technical University of Mombasa on Marine Protected Areas.

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Healthy oceans for healthy planet workshop in Kwale and Mombasa Kenya

08:00 - 16:00
Bahari Dhow Beach Villas , Diani, Kwale

 The main purpose for this meeting is to know the findings of the Marine Protected Area case study report and recommendations of the same. In attendance is Forest officer from Buda, KWS warden - Kisite Mpunguti, Vanga fisheries officer, ex Stockholm University Student, SSNC, WWF Kwale , Mikoko Pamoja and BMU representatives. A similar workshop was held in Mombasa Continental Hotel on the 12th and attended by representatives from Beach Manager Units in Mombasa and Kilifi, Kenya Coast Guard, SSNC, Ex Stockholm University Student, Coastal Development Authority, County Government of Kilifi, Kenya Wildlife Service and Technical University of Mombasa.

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