Intern : Mombasa Office

Elijah M. Ngoa is an intern at Community Action for Nature Conservation (CANCO), since April 2018 working under the Marine ecosystems and Fisheries program. Elijah is also a member of Western Indian Ocean Governance exchange Network (WIOGEN) working under ocean governance thematic area on; Biodiversity conservation, habitat loss and pollution. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology and Fisheries, Upper second class from Pwani University class of 2017. He has strong interest in Marine ecology, fisheries stock assessments, socioeconomics, Conservation biology, environmental management and Ocean Governance.

Elijah Ngoa has over 3 years of professional experience in conducting social, economic and ecological assessments on coastal and marine resources of Kenya. At CANCO he has contributed immensely on environmental management related issues, including: mangrove nursery management in the coastal counties of Kenya; marine litter management; sustainable fisheries; Conservation of coastal Kaya forests and sea turtle conservation; climate change vulnerability assessments on small scale fisheries in coastal Kenya.

Elijah has also attended and presented in several local and regional workshops and conference on topics related to Resource conservation, environmental management and climate change. He is an author of one peer reviewed scientific publication, and several others still under preparation. He is a registered EIA/EA (ExpertRegNo: 11405) expert with the National environmental management authority. Elijah is also a member of Western Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists Network.